牟英玉,女,博士,校聘副教授。研究方向为反刍动物营养和肠道微生物。近五年,主持山东农业大学一流学科建设“811”项目一项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金重大项目等两项。以第一作者在Journal of Dairy Science、mSystems、Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology等国际学术期刊上已发表SCI论文7篇,其中中科院SCI一区4篇。
2022 - 2024 , 博士后 , 反刍动物胃肠道古菌与病毒 , 深圳大学
2018 - 2022 , 农学博士 , 动物营养与饲料科学 , 南京农业大学
2014 - 2017 , 农学硕士 , 动物营养与饲料科学 , 山东农业大学
2010 - 2014 , 农学学士 , 动物科学 , 山东农业大学
2024 - 至今 , 校聘副教授 , 山东农业大学威尼斯wns·8885556
南京农业大学2022届校长奖学金 , 2022
1. Mu Y, Qi W, Zhang T, et al. Changes in Rumen Epithelial Morphology and Transcriptome, Rumen Metabolome, and Blood Biochemical Parameters in Lactating Dairy Cows with Subacute Rumen Acidosis Following Rumen Content Transplantation. Journal of Dairy Science. 2024. 107(10): 7960-7972
2. Mu Y, Qi W, Zhang T, et al. Coordinated response of milk bacterial and metabolic profiles to subacute ruminal acidosis in lactating dairy cows. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2023, 14(1): 60.
3. Yingyu Mu, Wangpan Qi, Tao Zhang, Jiyou Zhang, Shengyong Mao. Multi-omics analysis revealed coordinated responses of rumen microbiome and epithelium to high-grain-induced subacute rumen acidosis in lactating dairy cows. mSystems, 2022, 7(1): e01490-21.
4. Yingyu Mu, Wangpan Qi, Tao Zhang, Jiyou Zhang, Shengyong Mao. Gene function adjustment for carbohydrate metabolism and enrichment of rumen microbiota with antibiotic resistance genes during subacute rumen acidosis induced by a high-grain diet in lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 2021. 104(2): 2087-2105.
5. Yingyu Mu, Wangpan Qi, Tao Zhang, Jiyou Zhang, Shi jun Mei, Shengyong Mao. Changes in rumen fermentation and bacterial community in lactating dairy cows of subacute rumen acidosis following rumen content transplantation. Journal of Dairy Science. 2021. 104(10): 10780-10795.