张桂国,教授,博士生导师,学科点负责人。山东省牧草产业体系岗位科学家(饲草营养岗),山东畜牧兽医学会副秘书长,反刍动物科技专业委员会主任委员,草业科技专业委员会秘书长。先后在美国加州大学戴维斯分校、新西兰皇家农业科学院、新西兰林肯大学、北京大学生命科学院做访问学者。担任Nutrition Research and Practice杂志编委;近五年,以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文30余篇。获山东省科技进步二等奖2项、神农中华农业科技奖2项,发明专利4项,主持制定山东省地方标准7项。主持国家重点研发计划,山东省牧草产业体系,山东省良种工程,农业农村部行业专项等重大科研项目10余项。
时间 | 学校 | 学习阶段 |
2019/01-2019/12 | 美国加州大学戴维斯分校 | 访问学者 |
2018/07-2018/09 | 新西兰林肯大学 | 访问学者 |
2014/09-2015/09 | 北京大学生命科学院 | 访问学者 |
2009/04-2010/04 | 新西兰皇家农业科学院草地中心 | 访问学者 |
2012/07 -2015/07 | 山东农大畜牧学流动站 | 博士后 |
2006/09-2011/10 | 山东农大农学院 | 研究生/博士作物栽培 |
2000/09-2003/07 | 山东农业大学动科院 | 研究生/硕士营养 |
1996/09-2000/07 | 山东农业大学动科院 | 大学/学士畜牧 |
时 间 | 单 位 | 职 务 |
2019/01-2019/12 | 美国加州大学戴维斯分校 | 访问学者 |
2018/07-2018/09 | 新西兰林肯大学 | 访问学者 |
2014/09-2015/09 | 北京大学生命科学院 | 访问学者 |
2020/07- | 山东农业大学动科院 | 教授 |
2014/07-2020/06 | 山东农业大学动科院 | 副教授 |
2012/07-2015/07 | 山东农大畜牧学博士后流动站 | 博士后 |
山东省青年骨干教师 , 2014年
Animal nutrition(英文)(本科生 中美合作培养)
饲料分析 (本科生)
1. 主持国家重点研发项目 “陆生/海洋植物中功能性多糖构效关系与生物学活性分子机制研究(2019YFE0107700)2020.7-2023.6。
2. 山东省牧草产业体系岗位科学家 饲草营养岗位 (SDAIT-23-05) 2021-2025年;
3. 国家十三五重大研发计划(子课题)肉羊健康养殖2018YFD0502104-3 2018-2020;
2. 农业部“粮改饲”重大专项 青贮玉米在肉羊健康养殖中的应用 2018-2022年;
3. 山东省农业良种工程“南种北繁”项目 LZ201712080160 2018-2022;
4. 山东省农业重大应用技术创新项目 《粮改饲高产高效生产利用模式与关键技术的集成示范》 2018-2022;
5. 山东省良种工程项目“黄河三角洲肉用绵羊青粗饲料供应综合配套技术研究”(2021-2023,周期滚动项目);
发表文章 (第一或通讯作者文章)
1.Chongyu Zhang, Eunyoung Kim, Jiamei Cui, Yunpeng Wang, Yunkyoung Lee*,Guiguo Zhang*. Influence of the ecological environment on the structural characteristics and bioactivities of polysaccharides from alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Food and Function. 2022, 4. Q1, 2Top, IF= 6.317.
2.Guiguo Zhang*, Yunkyoung Lee*, Zeng-Yu Wang and Yuxi Wang. Editorial: Synthesis and Bioactivities of Plant-Derived Biomolecules Frontiers in plant science.2022, 7. Q1, Top, IF= 6.627.
3.Guiguo Zhang*, Yunkyoung Lee *, Yang Liu, and Yanlin Hao. Editorial: The Mechanism of Plant-derived Polysaccharides Regulating the Obesity and Metabolic Diseases in Humans. Frontiers in nutrition. 2022, 8. Q1, Top, IF= 6.59.
4.Jiamei Cui, Yunpeng Wang, Eunyoung Kim, Chongyu Zhang, Guiguo Zhang*, Yunkyoung Lee* Structural characteristics and immunomodulatory effects of a long-chain polysaccharide from Laminaria Japonica. Frontiers in nutrition. 2022, 3. Q1, 1 Top, IF= 6.59.
5.Siqi Li, Meiyu Du, Chongyu Zhang, Yun Wang, Yunkyoung Lee*, Guiguo Zhang* Diet type impacts production performance of fattening lambs by manipulating the ruminal microbiota and metabolome. Frontiers in microbiology. 2022, 4. Q1, 2Top, IF= 6.064.
6.Eunyoung Kim, Jiamei Cui, Guiguo Zhang*, Yunkyoung Lee* Physiological Effects of Green‐Colored Food‐Derived Bioactive Compounds on Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases Applied Science. 2022,12,1879. 3, IF=2.679.
7.Chongyu Zhang, Chen Zhang, Yunpeng Wang, Meiyu Du, Guiguo Zhang*, Yunkyoung Lee* Dietary Energy Level Impacts the Performance of Donkeys by Manipulating the Gut Microbiome and Metabolome Frontiers in veterinary science. 2021, 8, 694,357. Q1, 2, IF= 3.471.
8.Zemin Li, Chen Zhang, Shimin Zhang, Bo Li, Chong-Yu Zhang, Fawaz G Haj, Guiguo Zhang*, Yunkyoung Lee* The Intestinal Microbiota Characteristics of Salmonella-challenged Broilers and the Modulatory Effects of Alfalfa Polysaccharide on Intestinal Health. Scientific Reports.2021,11:10910. 3, IF= 4.379.
9.Chen Zhang, Chongyu Zhang, Meiyu Du, Yunpeng Wang, Guiguo Zhang*,Yunkyoung Lee* Effects of dietary supplementation with different fermented feeds on performance, nutrient digestibility, and serum biochemical indexes of fattening lambs. Animal Bioscience. 2021.34.4:633-641. Q1, IF=2.509.
10.Eunyoung Kim, Jiamei Cui, Inhae Kang, Guiguo Zhang*, Yunkyoung Lee* Potential Antidiabetic Effects of Seaweed Extracts by Upregulating Glucose Utilization and Alleviating Inflammation in C2C12 Myotubes. 2021 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Q1, 3 Top, IF= 3.390.
11.A-Reum Han, Jae-Hoon Kim, Eunyoung Kim, Jiamei Cui, In-suk Chai, Guiguo Zhang,* Yunkyoung Lee* Hypotriglyceridemic effects of brown seaweed consumption via regulation of bile acid excretion and hepatic lipogenesis in high fat diet-induced obese mice. Nutrition Research and Practice. 2020, 14, 6, 580-592. IF=1.792.
12.Chen Zhang, Zemin Li, Chong-Yu Zhang, Mengmeng Li, Yunkyoung Lee, Guiguo Zhang* Extract Methods, Molecular Characteristics, and Bioactivities of Polysaccharide from Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Nutrients. 2019,11 (5)1181-1196. 2 Top, IF= 4.171.
13.Hyo-Seon Yang, Fawaz G Haj, Myoungsook Lee, Inhae Kang, Guiguo Zhang, Yunkyoung Lee*. Laminaria japonica Extract Enhances Intestinal Barrier Function by Altering Inflammatory Response and Tight Junction-Related Protein in Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated Caco-2 Cells Nutrients. 2019,11,1001 2Top, IF= 4.171.
14.Zhang, C Y, Gan, L P, Du M Y, Shang, Q H, Xie, Y H, Zhang, G G* Effects of dietary supplementation of alfalfa polysaccharides on growth performance, small intestinal enzyme activities, morphology, and large intestinal selected microbiota of piglets. Livestock Science 2019. 223, 47-52.
15.Lixue Wang, Yuhuai Xie, WeirenYang, ZaibinYang, shuzhen Jiang, Chongyu Zhang & Guiguo Zhang*. Alfalfa polysaccharide prevents H2O2-induced oxidative damage in MEFs by activating MAPK/Nrf2 signaling pathways and suppressing NF-κB signaling pathways.Scientific Reports, 2019, 9:1782 (the corresponding author)(SCI, IF= 4.61)
16.Y.H. Xie, C.Y. Zhang, L.X. Wang, Q.H. Shang, G.G. Zhang*, W.R. Yang. Effects of dietary supplementation of Enterococcus faecium on growth performance, intestinal morphology, and selected microbial populations of piglets. Livestock science 2018,210, 111-117, (SCI, IF= 1.79)(the corresponding author)
17.J. Zhang, B.J.Yin, Y.H.Xie, J. LI, Z. B. Yang, and G. G. Zhang* Legume-cereal intercropping improves forage yield, quality and degradability Plos One 2015.12DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0144813 (SCI, IF= 3.36)
18.G. G. Zhang, Z. B. Yang, Y. Wang, W. R. Yang and H. J. Zhou. Effects of dietary supplementation of multi-enzyme on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, small intestinal digestive enzyme activities, and large intestinal selected microbiota in weanling pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 2014.92:2063–2069. (SCI, IF= 2.604)
19.Mengmeng Li, G. G. Zhang*,X.Z.Sun, S.O.Hoskin. New Zealand Studies on Methane Emissions from Pastoral Farming. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 13(2): 365-377, 2014.(SCI, IF= 0.671)
20.Guiguo Zhang, Chongyu Zhang, Zaibin Yang,Shuting Dong. Root Distribution and N Acquisition in an Alfalfa and Corn Intercropping System. Journal of Agricultural Science. 5(9) 128-142, 2013. (SCI, IF=2.878)
21.G.G. Zhang, Z.B. Yang, Y. Wang, W.R. Yang.Effects of Astragalus Membranaceus Root Processed to Different Particle Sizes on Growth Performance, Antioxidant Status and Serum Metabolites of Broiler Chickens. Poultry Science. 92,178-183, 2013.(SCI, IF=1.516)
22.Guiguo Zhang, ZaibinYang,Qingqing Zhang.A multi-enzyme preparation enhances the utilization of nutrients and energy from pure corn and wheat diets in broilers. Applied Poultry Research,1,67-78, 2012.(SCI, IF =0.846)
23Guiguo Zhang, ZaibinYang, Shuting Dong. Interspecific competitiveness affects the total biomass yield in an alfalfa and corn intercropping system. Field Crops Research, 124,66-73, 2011.(SCI, IF=2.774)
《种草养畜禽关键技术彩图详解》 化学工业出版社 中国北京 2022 主编;
《图说健康养蛋鸭关键技术》 化学工业出版社 中国北京 2014 主编;
《图说健康养肉鸭关键技术》 化学工业出版社 中国北京 2014 主编;
《山羊标准化规模养殖图册》 中国农业出版社 中国北京 2012 副主编;
《绵羊标准化规模养殖图册》 中国农业出版社 中国北京 2012 副主编;