2016-2017,访问学者,UC Davis
2006-2010,博士后,Texas A&M University
1. 动物功能基因组
2. 宿主-病原互作
3. 家禽遗传育种
4. 地方家禽品种资源开发利用
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:鸡CLOCK基因在空肠弯曲杆菌感染中的分子调控机制及变异分析研究;
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:miR-30和miR-1416/148家族对鸡感染空肠弯曲菌后SOCS3表达的选择调控机制
3. 国家重大科研计划:鸡重要抗病基因的筛选及抗病育种新技术研究
4. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金:TGF-beta/Smad信号通路在鸡抗沙门氏菌感染中的作用及关键基因的鉴定
5. 山东省自然科学基金:鸡抗肠炎沙门氏菌microRNAs的鉴定及其分子调控机制研究
6. 山东省农业良种工程:山东省地方鸡种抗病抗逆基因的挖掘与种质创新
7. 山东省农业良种工程:瑶鸡生长发育特性分析及与济宁百日鸡的杂交利用
8. 山东省家禽产业技术体系:遗传育种岗位专家
1. Wang Y, Liu L, Zhao Y, Ren Y, Miao X, Dong Y, Liu L, Li X. Transcriptomic and proteomic analysis reveals the mechanism of chicken cecum responding to Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis inoculation, iScience, 2025,28: 111571.
2. Liu L, Yang N, Chen Y, Xu Z, Zhang Q, Miao X, Zhao Y, Hu G, Liu L, Song Z, Li X. Effects of fulvic acid on broiler performance, blood biochemistry, and intestinal microflora, Poultry Science, 2024, 103(2):103273.
3. Hu G, Liu L, Miao X, Zhao Y, Peng Y, Li X. Symbiotic bacteria stabilize the intestinal environment by producing phenylpropanoids. Microbial Biotechnology, 2023, 16(1):88-98.
4. Miao X, Liu L, Liu L, Hu G, Wu G, Wang Y, Zhao Y, Yang J, Li X. Regulation of mRNA and miRNA in the response to Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis infection in chicken cecum. BMC Veterinary Research 2022, 18: 437.
5. Hu G, Liu L, Miao X, Zhao Y, Peng Y, Liu L, Li X. The response of cecal microbiota to inflammatory state induced by Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2022, 13: 963678.
6. Hu G, Liu L, Miao X, Zhao Y, Li X. IsomiRs of chicken miR-146b-5p are activated upon Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis infection. Poultry Science 2022, 101: 101977.
7. Wang Y, Liu L, Min Li, Lin L, Su P, Tang H, Fan X, Li X. Chicken cecal DNA methylome alteration in the response to Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis inoculation. BMC Genomics 2020, 21: 814.
8. Wang Y, Miao X, Li H, Su P, Lin L, Liu L, Li X. The correlated expression of immune and energy metabolism related genes in the response to Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis inoculation in chicken. BMC Veterinary Research 2020 (16): 257.
9. Liu L, Yan Y, Liu L, Xue N, Dong Y, Yang N, Li X. Loci associated with the chicken resistance to Salmonella enteritidis infection revealed by genome-wide association study. J Vet Med Animal Sci. 2020; 3(1): 1018.
10. Zheng L, Liu L, Lin L, Tang H, Fan X, Lin H, Li X. Cecal CircRNAs Are Associated With the Response to Salmonella Enterica Serovar Enteritidis Inoculation in the Chicken. Frontiers in Immunology. 2019, 10: 1186.
11. Liu L, Lin L, Zheng L, Tang H, Fan X, Xue N, Li M, Liu M, Li X. Cecal microbiome profile altered by Salmonella enterica, serovar Enteritidis inoculation in chicken. Gut Pathogens. 2018, 10:34.
12. Wang H, Liu L, Liu X, Zhang M, Li X. Correlation between miRNAs and target genes in response to Campylobacter jejuni inoculation in chicken. Poultry Science 2018, 97: 485-493.
13. Wu G, Qi Y, Liu X, Yang N, Xu G, Liu L, Li X. Cecal MicroRNAome response to Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis infection in White Leghorn Layer. BMC Genomics. 2017, 18 (1): 77.
14. Li X, Su S, Cui N, Zhou H, Liu X, Cui Z. Transcriptome analysis of chicken embryo fibroblast cell infected with Marek’s disease virus of GX0101ΔLTR. Brazilian journal of poultry science. 2017, 19 (2): 179-184.
15. Liu X, Liu L, Zhang M, Wang H, Yang N, Li X. Chicken cecal microRNAs in the response to Campylobacter jejuni inoculation by Solexa sequencing. Poultry Science 2016,95 (12): 2819-2823.
16. Wu G, Liu L, Qi Y, Sun Y, Yang N, Xu G, Zhou H, Li X. Splenic gene expression profiling in White Leghorn layer inoculated with the Salmonella enteric serovar Enteritidis. Anim Genet. 2015, 46(6): 617-626.
17. Liu X., Liu L., Zhang M., Yang N., Qi Y, Yu Sun, Li X. Messenger RNA expression of chicken CLOCK gene in the response to Campylobacter jejuni inoculation. Poultry Science 2015, 94 (9): 2124-2130.
1. 一种鸡感染空肠弯曲杆菌的分子标记及检测方法和应用. 国家专利号:ZL202110802825.5
2. 鸡环RNA Chr9:10814512|10838667基因检测引物、方法及应用. 国家专利号:ZL201810019252.7
3. 一种鸡肠炎沙门氏感染抗性分子标记的检测方法及其应用. 国家专利号:ZL201610861722.5