2003 - 2007, 农学博士, 威尼斯wns·8885556, 山西农业大学
1980 - 1984, 农学学士, 畜牧兽医系, 山东农业大学
2000 - 至今, 教授, 山东农业大学威尼斯wns·8885556
1994 - 2000, 副教授, 山东农业大学威尼斯wns·8885556
1992 - 1994, 讲师,山东农业大学威尼斯wns·8885556
1984 – 1992, 助教,山东农业大学威尼斯wns·8885556
1. 绵、山羊遗传资源保护与种质创新利用
2. 羊新品种(系)培育及高效生产配套技术
1. 东部地区山羊高效安全养殖技术集成与示范推广。2018-2020年。国家科技部。
2. 优质高产肉羊突破性新品种选育。2019-2022年。山东省科技厅。
3. 山东省羊产业技术体系首席专家。2016-2025年。山东省农业农村厅。
4. 特色肉羊多基因聚合分子育种群体选育与创新利用。2015-2019年。国家科技部。
5. 奶山羊产业技术研究与试验示范。2011-2015年。国家农业农村部。
6. 山东省特有羊品种资源的基因源分析与种质创新利用研究。2011-2014年。山东省科技厅。
1.Qing Li, Tianle Chao, Yanyan Wang, Rong Xuan, Yanfei Guo, Peipei He, Lu Zhang and Jianmin Wang*. Transcriptome analysis reveals miRNA expression profiles in hypothalamus tissues during the sexual development of Jining grey goats. BMC Genomics 2024, 25: 832.
2.Qing Li, Tianle Chao, Yanyan Wang, Rong Xuan, Yanfei Guo, Peipei He, Lu Zhang and Jianmin Wang* Transcriptome analysis revealed the characteristics and functions of long non-coding RNAs in the hypothalamus during sexual maturation in goats. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2024, 11: 1404681.
3.Qing Li, Tianle Chao*, Yanyan Wang, Rong Xuan, YanfeiGuo, Peipei He, Lu Zhang & Jianmin Wang* Comparative metabolomics reveals serum metabolites changes in goats during different developmental stages. Scientifc Reports, 2024, 14: 7291.
4.Q. Li, T. Chao, R. Xuan, Y. Chu1, Sh. Wang, M. Cheng, P. Li, Zh. Ji, and J. J Agric Sci Technol-Transcriptional Mechanism of the MMP9 Promoter in Dairy Goats.J. Agric. Sci. Technol. 2024, 26 (4): 759-770.
5.Yanyan Wang, Tianle Chao, Qing Li, Peipei He, Lu Zhang and Jianmin Wang,*Metabolomic and Transcriptomic Analyses Reveal the Potential Mechanisms of Dynamic Ovarian Development in Goats during Sexual Maturation. Int J Mol Sci. 2024, 25(18): 9898.
6.Yanyan Wang, Jianmin Wang, Qing Li, RongXuan, Yanfei Guo, Peipei He, Qingling Duan, Shanfeng Du & TianleChao Transcriptomic and metabolomic data of goat ovarian and uterine tissues during sexual maturation. Sci Data. 2024, 11(1):777.
7.Yanyan Wang, Qing Li, Peipei He, Lu Zhang, Tianle Chao, Jianmin Wang. TCONS_00046732/chi-miR-135b-5p/PRLR regulatory axis promotes endometrial epithelial cells growth through the PI3K-Akt signaling pathway. Int J Biol Macromol. Int J Biol Macromol. 2024, 4: 137248.
8.Aili Wang, Jianmin Wang, Meina Mao, Xiaodong Zhao, Qing Li, Rong Xuan, Fajun Li and Tianle Chao*, Analyses of lncRNAs, circRNAs, and the nteractions between ncRNAs and mRNAs in Goat Submandibular Glands Reveal Their Potential Function in Immune Regulation. Genes. 2023, 14, 187.
9.Yanyan Wang, Jianmin Wang, Qing Li, Rong Xuan, Yanfei Guo, Peipei He and Tianle Chao,2023--Characterization of MicroRNA expression profiles in the ovarian tissue of goats during the sexual maturity period(1)Wang et al. Journal of Ovarian Research (2023) 16: 234.
10.Rong Xuan, Jianmin Wang, Qing Li, Yanyan Wang, Shanfeng Du, Qingling Duan, Yanfei Guo, Peipei He, Zhibin Ji, Tianle Chao* Identification and characterization of circRNAs in non-lactating dairy goat mammary glands reveals their regulatory role in mammary cell involution and remodeling. Biomolecules 2023, 13(5): 860.
11.Rong Xuan, Xiaodong Zhao, Qing Li, Yilin Zhao, Yanyan Wang, Shanfeng Du, Qingling Duan, Yanfei Guo, Zhibin Ji, Tianle Chao*, Jianmin Wang*. Transcriptome Analysis of Goat Mammary Gland Tissue Reveals the Adaptive Strategies and Molecular Mechanisms of Lactation and Involution.Int J Mol Sci. 2022,23(22):14424.
12.Rong Xuan, Xiaodong Zhao, Qing Li, Yilin Zhao, Yanyan Wang, Shanfeng Du, Qingling Duan, Yanfei Guo, Zhibin Ji, Tianle Chao*, Jianmin Wang*. Characterization of long noncoding RNA in nonlactating goat mammary glands reveals their regulatory role in mammary cell involution and remodeling. Int J Biol Macromol. 2022 Dec 1;222(Pt B):2158-2175.
13.Rong Xuan, Tianle Chao, Xiaodong Zhao, Aili Wang, Yunpeng Chu, Qing Li, Yilin Zhao, Zhibin Ji, and Jianmin Wang*. Transcriptome profiling of the nonlactating mammary glands of dairy goats reveals the molecular genetic mechanism of mammary cell remodeling. J. Dairy Sci., 2022. 105: 5238–5260.
14.Zhao, X.; Xuan, R.; Wang, A.; Li, Q.; Zhao, Y.; Du, S.; Duan, Q.; Wang, Y.; Ji, Z.; Guo, Y.; Jianmin Wang* and Tianle Chao*. High-Throughput Sequencing Reveals Transcriptome Signature of Early Liver Development in Goat Kids. Genes 2022, 13, 833. Doi: 10.3390/genes13050833.
15.Zhao X, Ji Z, Xuan R, Wang A, Li Q, Zhao Y, Chao T and Wang J* Characterization of the microRNA Expression Profiles in the Goat Kid Liver. Front. Genet. 2022, 12: 794157. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.794157.
16.Wang A, Ji Z, Xuan R, Zhao X, Hou L, Li Q, Chu Y, Chao T and Wang J*. Differentially Expressed MiRNAs of Goat Submandibular Glands Among Three Developmental Stages Are Involved in Immune Functions. Front. Genet. 2021 12:678194. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.678194.
17.Aili Wang, Tianle Chao, Zhibin Ji, Rong Xuan, Shuang Liu, Maosen Guo, Guizhi Wang and Jianmin Wang*. Transcriptome analysis reveals potential immune function-related regulatory genes/pathways of female Lubo goat submandibular glands at different developmental stages. 2020, PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.9947.
18.Zhibin Ji, Tianle Chao,Zhaohua Liu,Lei Hou,Jin Wang,Aili Wang,Jie Zhou,Rong Xuan,Guizhi Wang,Jianmin Wang*. Genom‑wide integrated analysis demonstrates widespread functions of lncRNAs in mammary gland development and lactation in dairy goats. BMC Genomics, 2020, 254 doi: 10.1186/s12864-020-6656-3.
19.Zhibin Ji, Tianle Chao, Chunlan Zhang, Zhaohua Liu, Lei Hou, Jin Wang, Aili Wang, Yong Wang, Jie Zhou, Rong Xuan, Guizhi Wang, and Jianmin Wang*.Transcriptome Analysis of Dairy Goat Mammary Gland Tissues from Different Lactation Stages. DNA and Cell Biology. 2019, 38(2): 129-143 doi : 10.1089/dna.2018.4349..
20.Tianle Chao, Zhibin Ji, Lei Hou, Jin Wang, Chunlan Zhang, Guizhi Wang*, Jianmin Wang*. Sheep Skeletal Muscle Transcriptome Analysis reveals Muscle Growth Regulatory LncRNAs. PeerJ, 2018, 6: e4619.
21.Lei Hou, Zhibin Ji, Guizhi Wang, Jin Wang, Tianle Chao*, Jianmin Wang* Identification and characterization of microRNAs in the intestinal tissues of sheep (Ovis aries). PLoS ONE, 2018, 13(2): e0193371. Doi : 10.1371/journal.pone.0193371.
22.Tianle Chao, Guizhi Wang, Zhibin Ji, Zhaohua Liu, Lei Hou, Jin Wang, Jianmin Wang* Transcriptome Analysis of Three Sheep Intestinal Regions reveals Key Pathways and Hub Regulatory Genes of Large Intestinal Lipid Metabolism, Scientific reports, 2017, 7: 5345. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-05551-2.
23.G. Z. Wang, S. S. Chen, T. l. Chao, Z. B. Ji, l. Hou, Z. J. Qin, and J. M. Wang*. Analysis of genetic diversity of Chinese dairy goats via microsatellite markers. Journal of Animal Science, J. Anim. Sci., 2017, 95: 2304-2313.
24.Zhaohua Liu; Zhibin Ji; Guizhi Wang; Tianle Chao; Lei Hou; Jianmin Wang* Genome-wide analysis reveals signatures of selection for important traits in domestic sheep from different ecoregions. BMC Genomics, 2016, 17: 863-877.
25.G. Z. Wang, X. S. Pi, Z. B. Ji, Z. J. Qin, L. Hou, T. L. Chao, and J. M. Wang*. Investigation of the diversity and origins of Chinese dairy goats via the mitochondrial DNA D-loop. J. Anim. Sci., 2015, 93(3): 949-955.
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27.Chunlan Zhang, Guizhi Wang, Jianmin Wang*, Zhibin Ji, Fei Dong, Tianle Chao. Analysis of Differential Gene Expression and Novel Transcript Units of Ovine Muscle Transcriptomes. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(2): e89817. .
28.Chunlan Zhang, Guizhi Wang, Jianmin Wang*, Zhibin Ji, Zhaohuan Liu, Xiushuang Pi, Cunxian Chen. Characterization and Comparative Analyses of Muscle Transcriptomes in Dorper and Small-Tailed Han Sheep Using RNA-Seq Technique. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(8): e72686.
29.Zhibin Ji, Guizhi Wang, Zhijing Xie, Jianmin Wang*, Chunlan Zhang, Fei Dong, Cunxian Chen. Identification of Novel and Differentially Expressed MicroRNAs of Dairy Goat Mammary Gland Tissues using Solexa Sequencing and Bioinformatics. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7 (11): e49463.
30.Zhibin Ji, Guizhi Wang, Zhijing Xie, Chunlan Zhang, Jianmin Wang*. Identification and characterization of microRNA in the dairy goat (Capra hircus) mammary gland by Solexa deep-sequencing technology. Mol Biol Rep, 2012, 39(7): 9361–9371.
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